VWF Outdoor Range

Facts, Features & Events

About the Range

* The range accomodates pistol, rifle, trap and archery shooting.

* The range has 6 gun ranges - a 10 yard range for pistol shooting and 25, 50, 100, 200 and 300 yard ranges for rifle shooting.

* The range has a regulation trap layout for the shotgun enthusiasts.

* Sheds shelter all of the rifle shooting stalls/firing lines except for the 300 yard range.

* A staggered berm arrangement is utilized to backstop the rifle ranges.

* In order to use the range as a participant or spectator you must have a valid VWF membership!

VWF Range Location

VWF Range Info:

Trap Shooting 2024

Trap shooting event information
Trap chairperson: Graham Shell
phone: (587) 280-6131

The Trap Shooting Program has ended for 2024

Pistol Shooting 2024

Pistol shooting event information Pistol Chairperson: Jon Borstel
phone: (780) 632-9906

The Pistol Shooting program has ended for 2024.

Range FAQ's

Yes! We encourage everyone interested in conservation, hunting, fishing, archery and wildlife education to purchase a VWF membership - this club is active in this community and provides youth education events and training programs such as sponsorships to Narrow Lake Camp and youth archery/coaching events. We are also affiliated with the Alberta Fish and Game Association (AFGA), so part of your purchase goes directly to protection and stewardship of our lands. We have for purchase both regular memberships and range memberships (see membership page for more details). We sell a limited amount of Range key memberships each year and you must have a key to shoot on the outdoor range during a non VWF sponsored event. Range restrictions will apply and be aware of firing lines.

YES! It is the law and the range rules to sign in and put the red flag up BEFORE you start shooting.

No - please do not drive on the range!

Identify the range officer and introduce yourself. Follow all range rules and range officer directions.

If the flag is up it means someone else is engaged in shooting process. They could be on the firing line or down range checking targets. Check with the other shooters and identify the range officer before proceeding to set up your position.

No! You must be a member to be on the range.

Yes! We shoot Wednesdays for most of the summer and switch to Sundays later in the fall to be shooting during daylight hours.

The VWF Archery program has been restarted. Archery classes are taking place on wednesday evenings at the VWF clubhouse in downtown Vegreville! Call Jamie Lowes @ (780) 208-7900 for more information.

No! The range is bordered on the north side by a large creek and muskeg, a farm to the east side and the golfcourse on the south side.

10 yard pistol; 25, 50, 100, 200 and 300 yard rifle ranges; a regulation trap layout and archery.

We have staggered berms for pistol, rifle and archery.

The pistol and rifle ranges can be used simultaneously. The pistol and rifle ranges cannot be used when trap shooting is in progress and vica-sersa, only one layout can be used at a time.

 For local PAL Firearms Safety Courses please
contact VegMin at (780) 632-7920 or arusnak@telusplanet.net

We are in the process of getting a thursday night pistol group together at this time. The first session will be May 9, 2024. For more information contact us at vegrevillewildlife@gmail.com or call Jon Borstel @ 780 632-9906.

VWF Range Pictures

The range shooting and firing line shelters.

The 100, 200 and 300 yard target areas and berms.

10 yard pistol stall

Range aerial photo