President: Jamie Lowes
Vice President: Steven Ryder
Membership Director: Valerie Lowes
Range Chair: Duncan McLeod
Pistol Chair: Jon Borstel
Facilities Chair: Teresa Ryder
Past President: Daryl Sapp
Treasurer: Briana Ropson
Secretary: Teresa Ryder
Trap Chair: Graham Shell
Archery Chair: Jamie Lowes
Mailing Address - PO Box 713 Station Main, Vegreville, Alberta, T9C 1R7
Email Address -
Clubhouse - VWF Adler Center, 5121 50 Street, Vegreville, Alberta
VWF Outdoor Range - 52425 Range Road 145, Alberta
Facebook -
Web site -
The Vegreville Wildlife Federation (VWF) was founded in 1968.
In addition to our beautiful shed sheltered outdoor range we also have an indoor clubhouse and Archery Range located at the VWF Adler Center at 5121 50th street.
Executive/club meetings are generally held each month (except for July and August).
Other member meetings: April membership drive & January Annual General Meeting.
The VWF is affiliated with the Alberta Wildlife Federation (used to be AFGA).
VWF membership is made up of sportsmen/women, youth, archers, resource managers, and environmental enthusiasts - we continue to grow.
The VWF membership supports positive stewardship of wildlife and the environment, responsible hunting and fishing, archery, conservation, environment, education and youth programs.