PO Box 713 Station Main
Vegreville, Alberta, T9C 1G9
Clubhouse & Indoor Archery Range
VWF Adler Center
5121 50 Street
Outdoor Range
52425 Range Road 145
Email: VegrevilleWildlife@gmail.com
Website: www.vwf.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/VegrevilleWildlifeFederation
Youth (under age of 18) Membership - $ 30.00
Regular Membership - $ 70.00
Family (main holder & spouse and any children under age of 18 in the same household) Membership - $ 85.00
Associate Membership - $ 85.00
Range Keyholder Membership: $ 100.00 non-negotiable key fee plus membership cost
Regular keyholder membership: $ 100 + $ 70 = $ 170.00
Family keyholder membership: $ 100 + $ 85 = $ 185.00
All memberships expire on April 30 of every year
The VWF has adopted the use of Interac e-Transfers in addition to our other accepted forms of payment. We ask that when you use the e-transfer service to transfer money to the VWF that you provide the following information in the comments section message box: your name, your membership number (if available), and a description of what you are purchasing (for example - regular membership, family membership, trap shells or trap birds, archery arrows, Mom's pantry sale etc. etc..).
Use "vegrevillewildlife@gmail.com" to set up the interac e-Transfer account.
The Range Orientation and Access course membership drive has been completed for 2024.
For range site access or range key information please contact any of the VWF executive directly or email the club at "vegrevillewildlife@gmail.com"
For more VWF Club information use the button below!
If you only require a General Membership or an Associate membership please fill out the available membership form and mail (or email) with payment. Mail and email address are at the top of this page.
We will mail your membership card when the paperwork is received / completed.